Hey, everyone! Welcome to my blog! My name is Elektra and i'm a 16 years old girl from finland and i love fashion, makeup, healthy lifestyle, food, music and traveling and sport. Shoes and bags are my obsession! I'm a huge brand lover, chanel, dior, hugo boss, and so on. I'm a big talker and i have been planning to start write a blog about 2 years now lol i'm bad. I will post some pictures about me and my life later!
Okay, so today i'm going to talk about health and i picked 5 random things to tell you about my lifestyle! Especially food is a good way to control your life, but don't let it control you!
1. Cucumber
Cucumber contains a lot of fluids, so it's good for the body. It's almost 90% water, so don't worry about eating it too much! Sometimes, fluid builts up in your eyes and it's making you feel heavy. Cucumber drains the extra fluids out of your eyes and skin. It also helps healing sunburns and makes your skin look young. And the most important of all, it removes cellulite! Cucumber also works good with hangover.
2. Sleep
I'm sure i don't even need to tell you much when i say that evebody needs to sleep. I bet people are only born into this world to sleep. An average highschooler needs about 8 hours of sleep or more if possible. But how to get a good night sleep? I'm sure everyone knows that the best way to fall aspleep is not being in your computer or phone before falling asleep. Your brain and body needs to relax after long day. Also, try not to eat too heavily before going to bed, but going with an empty stomach is not good either. Make your room dark and not too hot. Everyone has their own way of relaxing, mine is listening music or reading good book. Also audible is good way to listen a book if you have iphone. If i sleep less than 9 hours i look like zombie and i can't focus during the day.. How much sleep do you need?
3. Water
Is the start of all life and keeps you going. When i'm waking up, i always try to remember to start the day with a cold glass of water. Cold water wakes your body up and actually burns calories, cause your body will have to heat the cold water to match your body temperature. It also is a good way to speed up your metabolism (aineenvaihdunta in finnish)! I also prefer to drink water before i go to school, in school and after school. If you are exercising, you will need to drink lots of water! I always carry a waterbottle in my bag (if possible and i remember :'D)
4. Exercise
Is in balance with food. Everyone needs to move or your body will break down. Try to find a right exercise type for you and your body. Some of us like dancing, some of us run. Don't be afraid to try new sports. But remember that you have to move on regular basis and some kind of exercise must be done everyday. Try to push your limits and find new ways to enjoy exercise: with a friend, with headphones on ,nobody is stoping you. Unless you don't push your limits, you will never know what your capable of.
5. Enjoy life and be you!
Don't worry too much, if you eat a hamburger with a friend, or eat candy until you feel like throwing up. Best thing in being young is that i can try new things without the knowledge. If i skip practise, next day i'm gonna train even harder. Life is not about making schedules. Of course, it's not bad to organize your life, but if it's not fun you shouldn't do it. Some people are not meant to live a simple life, some might enjoy it just the way it is. Try to find time for yourself and cherise all the moments, in good and in bad. Look what the world has to offer and accept the challenge.
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